Author name: Megan Augustine

Here’s how marketing automation increases leads

Marketing automation has become an essential part of every business’s marketing strategy. Thanks to innovations in IT, business marketing tools have become more affordable for small retailers, online sellers, and other mom-and-pop operations. Don’t pass up the opportunity to maximize all the marketing automation tools available that can increase your leads and give you these

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How big data helps lower hospital readmission rates

Mistakes sometimes happen in the medical world, leading to missed diagnoses, improper self-medication, and, inevitably, hospital readmissions. But business intelligence (BI) is changing that by equipping healthcare professionals with powerful real-time information. At its core, BI software is all about data analytics. BI software is capable of accepting overwhelming amounts of data in short periods

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Understanding Microsoft 365 collaboration tools

There are three communication and collaboration tools in Microsoft 365 that provide basically similar solutions for the same problem: Outlook Groups, Yammer, and Microsoft Teams. However, they all have subtle differences that set them apart from one another. Let’s take a look at some of them. Outlook Groups With Outlook Groups, every member gets a

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