15 Ways to Protect Your Business from a Cyberattack


October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

managed security cleveland

To kickoff Cyber Security Awareness month, here are 15 steps your business can take to prevent a Cyber Attack. We compiled a handy checklist you can download here for your convenience.

Number One : Conduct a Security Assessment. You can sign up for a no cost security assessment here.

Number Two: Secure Your Email. Secure your email with spam and virus filtering as well as making sure your email is backed up.

Number Three: Change your Passwords. Treat your passwords, like your undergarments: Change them often.

Number Four: Become Security Aware. Knowing what to look out for and the steps to take in the event of a data breach, can go a long way to preventing long term affects.

Number Five: Implement Managed End Point Detection and Response. Yesterday’s anti-virus software is not sufficient against today’s sophisticated attacks.

Number Six: Use Two Factor Authentication. Two factor authentication can help prevent unauthorized access to your accounts.

Number Seven: Update your Devices. Failing to apply updates is a major cause in many cyber attacks.

Number Eight: Dark Web Monitoring. Do you know what secrets may be lurking on the depths of the Dark Web? Find out with Dark Web Monitoring and get notified should your sensitive information show up there.

Number Nine: SIEM/Log Management. Your servers and network devices produce a log of log information. Go beyond syslog and analyze the log data to uncover potential security risks that may be hiding on your network.

Number Ten: Unified Threat Management. Firewalls are good, intelligent Firewalls are great. Unified Threat Management provides active protection from viruses, spam, and other attacks against your network.

Number Eleven: Mobile Device Security. Your company data resides on your employee’s mobile devices. MDM protects you should a device be lost or stolen.

Number Twelve: Firewall with Intrusion Prevention. Active Intrusion Prevention shuts down malicious attacks against your network.

Number Thirteen: Encryption: Consider encrypting your sensitive data to keep it out of the wrong hands.

Number Fourteen: Backup and Business Continuity. Business Continuity not only can protect you from data loss or corruption, but can keep you running in the event of a ransomware attack.

Number Fifteen: Cyber Insurance. Cyber Insurance is not a substitute for an overall Security posture. Cyber Insurance is a supplement that should be considered in conjunction with the essentials of Cyber Security.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Contact the team at N2Net today, and get the security expertise you need to combat today’s emerging cyber threats. You can reach us at 216-619-2000 option 3[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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