Backup Solutions – One size does not fit all!

One Size does not fit all!
We have backup “Options” ?

Micro Doctor provides the best backup solutions available

Backup/Disaster Recovery Options for every Budget

Online Backup – Encrypt and store data in the secure Internet cloud

Advantages: low user maintenance, inexpensive to implement, reliable

Local Backup Media – Store data on local hard drives or tapes

Advantages: easily store large quantities of data

BDR Server – Machine dedicated to backup and restoring data

Advantages: short time from “catastrophic failure” to “back up and running”

Cloud Virtual Server – Constant encrypted backup of your entire server

Advantages: mere minutes from “catastrophic failure” to “fully functional”

Each is effective for specific goals. The best and most reliable plans use a semi-redundant combination of most or all of the above to give your business ultimate reliability and extremely fast recovery time.

Microdoctor not only provides the best options within your budget, but also provides the expertise to set it up right and properly maintain it.

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