ThinkPoint, Another Fake AV threat hits thousands of innocent web users

Do not be fooled by the seemingly legitimate looking ThinkPoint scam. This rogue antispyware application will not benefit your PC at all, but instead work against you to trick you out of your money. ThinkPoint comes bundled with the well known and much hated Microsoft Security Essentials Alert scam.

Once the ThinkPoint infection takes root on the PC, it will block other legitimate computer programs from opening and running properly. It has been known to block task manager, registry editor and other tools which will enable to kill ThinkPoint’s process.

ThinkPoint will try and convince the user that there are many fake infections on the system. This is the same misleading tactics employed by most illicit rogue security tools in an effort to panic the user into paying for its worthless full version. It will then go on to inform the user that its security tool is the only application capable of removing these fictitious infections. Users are strongly urged never to believe anything from ThinkPoint, and never to spend money on this fake application.

In order to limit the damage posed by this scamware, users will need to delete ThinkPoint off their system as soon as possible. The best way to go about this is by making use of properly functioning and genuine antispyware and antivirus

Overall Risk Level:

Think Point which is also known as the ThinkPoint virus is part of a fake Microsoft Security Essentials Alert. Think Point is being advertised as one of the five removal tool to get rid of any infection found on the computer. Initial infection will result to a malfunction of Windows desktop, removing all icons and displaying only a fake alert message. Trying to clean this malware will open up a new window displaying multiple virus scanners but only those rogue programs will be able to identify the infection, and that includes Think Point.

Executing any of the endorsed rogue program will allow itself to be installed on the computer. Having it on the system will provide various annoyances including blocked Internet access, browser hijacking and malfunction system. Trying to run any applications will be blocked by Think Point and instead it will release a message stating that executable file is already compromised. All of these displeasure carried out on the system aims to force users into getting the licensed version of useless software called Think Point.

Screen Shot Image:

If you see this introduction window. Do not click on “Safe Startup” to prevent installation of Think Point. Restart computer immediately and perform a virus scan.

Alias: FAKE AV FAKE Microsoft Security Alert

Damage Level: Medium

Systems Affected: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7

Think Point Removal Procedures

Note: Rogue prograsm will prevent you from executing any application. Some Windows functions will also be rendered unusable including task manager and log-off. It will also prohibit restarting or turning off the computer. To work around with this, you must force-shutdown the computer holding the power button in or by unplugging the power supply. Then proceed with these procedures.

  1. If you see a fake security alert (they look real so don’t be fooled) turn off the PC.
  2. Restart the PC in SAFE MODE (hit F8 during startup)
  3. Go to Start / Accessories / System Tools / System Restore
  4. Choose to restore your PC to an earlier point in time before the virus infected you
  5. Choose the date previous to your by at least a couple days
  6. Don’t worry about losing work, email or documents as those won’t be touched
  7. It will ask to restart please let in start next time normally
  8. Allow it to run until you get a message that “Your system has been successfully restored”
  9. Run a virus scan or Malwarebytes scan just to make sure it is gone.

If you can’t get to safe mode or there are no restore points available on that PC then choose option 2

  1. Download Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware (mbam-setup.exe) and save it on your Desktop.
  2. After downloading, double-click on the file to install the application.
  3. Follow the prompts and install as “default” only
  4. Before the installation completes, check on the following prompts:
    – Update Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware
    – Launch Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware
  5. Click “Finish.” Program will run automatically and you will be prompt to update the program before doing a scan. Please update.
  6. Scan your computer thoroughly.
  7. When scanning is finished click on the “Show Results”
  8. Make sure that all detected threats are marked, click on Remove Selected.
  9. Restart your computer.

If you’re having trouble with the “black screen of death” (I’m so clever…) hit [CTRL]+[ALT]+[DEL] and open up the task manager. From there, delete “hotfix.exe” from the processes and then go to “new task.” Type in “Explorer.exe” and from here, just open internet explorer and download the above software.

Needless to say we are familiar with this rogue virus and all it variations so it you don’t feel comfortable removing this virus yourself, we are here to help. Remember the longer it remains on the PC the more damage it does so act quickly and be cafeful out there.

Mark Richmond, President Micro Doctor Inc.

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