Mill Creek MetroParks $16.3 Million Dollar Capital Improvement Plan

Did you know that Mill Creek MetroParks is Ohio’s first park district?

Mill Creek Park was established in 1891 by Volney Rogers, who created the park because he believed that “land itself could improve the lives of Youngstown citizens by providing a healthful alternative to the rapidly industrializing city.” The mission of Mill Creek MetroParks is to provide park, recreational, and open space facilities of regional significance.  In fulfilling this mission the objectives are: To be responsive to community needs, To be environmentally sound, To be adaptable, To be economically feasible. In 2016, Mill Creek MetroParks celebrated their 125-year anniversary and continues to carry out its mission in 2017 through the capital improvement plan which includes making improvements to the already existing infrastructure –  roads, walking paths, parking lots, trails, signage and pavilions.

What’s coming this summer?

One of the exciting projects included in the capital improvement plan for 2017 includes a wet playground (splash pad) which will be opening this summer at Mill Creek.

The new wet playground will be in the Wick Recreation Area and will feature various interactive water play elements which include bubblers, sprays, cannons and dumping buckets. This variety will offer diverse water play opportunities, maximizing play for all ages and abilities with the main area for older children and a distinct area for younger children, while still providing opportunities for inter-generational play. The wet playground will also provide children with interactive opportunities for development of individual motor skills and collaborative, social play with others as well as providing dynamic auditory and tactile sensory experiences.

If you are interested in contributing to Mill Creek’s capital improvement plan, there are a few ways you can get involved.

  1. Volunteer – find out more information here
  2. Donate – support your MetroParks here
  3. Membership – become a member here

Or contact Mill Creek at 330-702-3000 or email

How has Mill Creek become so successful?

If you ask Executive Director Aaron Young, he will tell you it’s because he can focus on innovation and planning due to the business running smoothly. When Young first started at Mill Creek, he initially found the technology that was in place was actually hindering the capabilities of the organization and staff.  Now, Mill Creek runs smoothly thanks to their technology running smoothly.  Young said, “So many organizations and business owners today focus on their day to day activities alone, excluding their technology – but how can you function without your technology working properly?  Organizations cannot be proactive for the future without thinking about technology. Technology plays such an important role on effective communication in our organization and that plays a large role in carrying out our mission.”  Mill Creek is being proactive by addressing their technology needs by holding monthly meetings with a virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO), who helps them plan and budget for technology within their business plan.  The vCIO embeds themselves into the company at a management level and performs all of the duties of a CIO of a large corporation but at a fraction of the cost of employing someone full time in that role.

What is a vCIO and why do I need one?

Your vCIO has very specific duties, that start by having a discovery meeting with key employees to identify and categorize needs, determine 3 year and 1 year and quarterly goals and drive the implementation of an IT budget.  They maintain this understanding by forming an IT Management team within your company and holding brief, regular (usually monthly) IT Management team meetings where they report on specific issues being taken care of and progress in the previously created plans.  They also are responsible for vendor management, security/compliance and continuity management.  Simply put, they allow you to focus on running your business while leaving the technology up to the experts.

Becoming One with your Technology

“I have enough on my plate, then to try and tackle ‘managing information technology’ as well.  Leaders of organizations and businesses are not experts in technology, we need to rely on experts in those fields,” says Young.

If too much of your professional time and resources are spent outside your interest and expertise, and if IT issues distract you from growing your actual business, we have a suggestion. Leave your IT troubles to us, so you can get back to doing what you do best.

As Mill Creek has found, when IT and business become one, the chaos disappears, because the business is running as one.

If you have questions on formulating a business plan, consider partnering with an IT firm that can help you make your business more productive, and in turn, more profitable. Our Premium MD-Care Clients receive this as a courtesy. You can contact Micro Doctor IT for a free, no obligation assessment at 330-984-0154 or

By: Megan Augustine

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