AUTOParkit announces New Home in Warren, Ohio

Christopher Alan, the owner of AUTOParkit LLC, a Los Angeles-based company, is a Warren native, and after leaving the area for a while, decided to come back home and establish a new plant that would potentially bring 300 to 1,000 new jobs to the area.

Alan bought property on Dana St. in Warren, Ohio for AUTOParkit, and is revitalizing and bringing a multi-million dollar company into an old warehouse.

AUTOParkit builds fully-automated parking garages in which the driver pulls into an elevator-type spot, gets a ticket, and the elevator-type machine takes the car and puts it away.

When the driver comes back for their car, they use their ticket to tell the machine to pull it back out, and it finds the car, and brings it back, facing outward so that the driver never has to worry about backing in or out, they just simply are ready to go.

The AUTOParkit system accommodates roughly three floors to every two floors of a traditional garage, and due to the mechanical precision, are able to be stored in narrow stalls which allow twice as many cars in the same place.  Time is also reduced as the driver does not have to spend time trying to find an empty parking space, and it only takes about 45 to 120 seconds to retrieve the cars that are parked.

This type of parking garage has been a huge hit in the cities, allowing storage or parking for many more people in a small place, as well as no worries about damage to cars, issues finding parking, theft (a state of the art scanning is done to the vehicle which won’t accept a vehicle with someone in it, or allow people to be lurking around the vehicles) or other parking garage related issues.

Micro Doctor IT is providing assistance along the way as AUTOParkit designs and  builds their plant, Micro Doctor will run wiring, work with vendors, design a network, installing a VoIP Phone System, keeping them secure from cyber-attacks, and anything that Alan needs so that he can focus on running his business, not worrying about IT, vendor management, or anything else that can take away from his daily business needs.

If you are interested in learning more about AUTOParkit, visit their website or call them at (855) 755-PARK.

By: Megan Augustine

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