
Ransomware that makes you sell your soul (or your friends)

Ransomware has become a fast-track for making money for some hackers this holiday season. But instead of just demanding a small payment for the decryption code that will unlock their computers, some hackers are demanding that victims sacrifice two other friends to ensure they receive the code they need. Read more to find out what

Ransomware that makes you sell your soul (or your friends) Read More »

Easy tips for preventing a costly data breach

Business technology has become one of the most important components for successful companies big and small. In an overwhelmingly digital landscape, businesses depend on IT for marketing, data storage, and financial transactions. And with that comes the need to secure every bit of private information cyber criminals might want to feast their eyes on. And

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What is a cookie?

We’re well into the holiday season, and what would the holidays be like without cookies. Buckeyes, chocolate chip, and of course Facebook tracking cookies. Not familiar with the last one? Well, it’s very familiar with you. In fact, if you’ve logged into Facebook on your phone, your work PC, or anywhere else it knows almost

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The Secret Weapon Against Ransomware

According to Systematic, 2016 has been designated as the ‘Year of Ransomware’ due to the enormous growth in ransom thieving. With no sign of this stopping anytime soon, companies must look at how to protect their most valuable asset, their data. Until now, Ransomware has seen an increase of 500% from the previous year. With

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