
Are My Remote Workers Protected from Cyber Security Threats?

Today we are going to delve into a topic that’s on everybody’s mind. Maybe you’re afraid to ask, because you won’t like the answer. Or perhaps you feel like you’re protected so why tip over the apple cart?

Since we sometimes like stirring up the hornet’s nest, we are going to examine how secure your remote workers really are. Are your employees protected from the latest cyber security threats? Do you have to worry about ransomware or viruses? Should you be using a VPN? These are some of the questions we will dig deeper into.

Are My Remote Workers Protected from Cyber Security Threats? Read More »

Do you have the proper Security Mindset?

“Where there is a will, there is a way” There is debate as to where this quote originated. Was it in 1640 by George Herbert or a did it originate some years later?

While there can be an argument over the origins there can be little argument over the meaning. To put this in its simplest form, if you are determined to accomplish something, then you will.

Hackers and other malicious actors are determined to access data and networks without permission of their respective owners. That is their “business” for lack of a better term. They spend the majority of their time, seeking ways to extract data so they can make a quick profit.

Do you have the proper Security Mindset? Read More »

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