Facebook offers more secure HTTPS: connections

Facebook started rolling out an HTTPS: option of connecting to Facebook a few weeks ago. I logged in today and got this notice.

I agree on the surface, HTTPS: would be a more secure way to access Facebook.

However this feature is very new. It was just added to some accounts last week as an option.

Facebook is still testing https:

There are a few things you should keep in mind before deciding to enable HTTPS.

Encrypted pages take longer to load, so you may notice that Facebook is slower using HTTPS.

In addition, some Facebook features, including many third-party applications,

are not currently supported in HTTPS. Facebook will be working hard to resolve these remaining issues. Facebook is rolling this out slowly over the next few weeks, but you will be able to turn this feature on in your Account Settings soon.

What happens now is that Facebook will automatically ask you to switch to unsecure access when the APP does not support HTTPS: or SSL.

Here is the message you get when you leave the secure connection to work with an APP.

While on FB, look at your URL address (the very top box on your screen.)

If you see “http:” instead of “https:” then you DO NOT have a secure session.

To manually set HTTPS: login preference Go to Account – Account Settings

– Account Security – click Change. Check the box labeled “Secure Browsing” – Click Save

Copyright 2011: Mark Richmond, MCSE at Micro Doctor Inc.

Posted via email from Micro Doctor’s Blog Central

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