Really Ads on my GPS?

I have had several GPS units over the years. Unfortunately the cost of annual map updates makes the price of an updated GPS unreasonable. I could update my GPS for $100.00 or buy a new GPS for $129.99, but it hardly
seems worth it. So I just kept my GPS, ignored the nag screens from Garmin and hoped I still would get to my destination. I even tried using my iPhone for a GPS but this has its drawbacks because when you get a call, your directions disappear.


So when I saw an ad for a new Garmin with lifetime maps I was in. I ordered it and everything seemed great….. until, the ads started
showing up. Much like Facebook, AOL and Pandora the service is free but you must endure the ads popping up at inopportune moments. Isn’t that why we buy DVRs and TIVOs? So we don’t have to watch commercials? Well, it was like that for a while on those services, but now the ads are embedded inside the shows. If someone drives up in a BMW or drinks a Coca Cola in a sitcom, then that is part of the advertising package sold to support that show or network.

While so far the ads on the GPS are small and you can switch screens to get rid of them, it remains unknown how far they will take this. So
if you are looking for a GPS with free lifetime maps make sure you are ready for free lifetime ads on your GPS screen.


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