Secure Wi-Fi Hotspot via Outsourcing

Allowing others to share your internal Wi-Fi connection may seem to be a cost-effective business solution, but it may also pose a serious threat to your business’s network security. Outsourcing your Wi-Fi is the best way to ensure that your network remains dedicated for business use while allowing clients to access a separate network for their own needs.

Many businesses have seen the demand for free Wi-Fi at their establishments jump drastically, as more and more people feel the need to be online as often as possible for personal and business purposes.

In response to this demand, one of the most common solutions is to allow clients and customers to use the business’s existing internal network. Some companies provide a password, while others simply leave the connection open to all. However, a better solution is to have an outsourced service or company provide the Wi-Fi hotspot you allow others to use for free.

Why? One of the most important benefits is security. Companies trying to handle their own Wi-Fi hotspots especially small businesses without in-house IT resources are likely to make fundamental mistakes that leave their networks vulnerable and exposed to abuse and infiltration. Outsourced Wi-Fi providers are experts in giving you a secure system that protects your own network and by extension, your business.

Another benefit of using an outsourced Wi-Fi hotspot provider is that you also have greater control over the network, allowing you to impose rules such as bandwidth and website limits. You can also determine whether you want to require the people who’ll be using the hotspot to log in with a password (which you provide), or simply enjoy an open connection. Another important point is the marketing that comes with the free Wi-Fi service while you are providing your clients with a free internet connection, your primary goal is to promote your business.

If you want to know more about outsourced Wi-Fi, feel free to contact us so we can discuss a custom blueprint for a Wi-Fi hotspot for your business.

Published with permission from Source.

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