The Secret Sauce

When I talk to customers about our services they often ask “what makes Micro Doctor IT service different than the others?” My response is “it’s all in our secret sauce.”

First of all is our experience.  Micro Doctor has been in the business since 1989, and created a proactive IT management environment starting in 2007. Technology is always changing and to survive in this business that long, you have to adapt to stay ahead of technology advances.  As President and Visionary for the company, I am always looking for exciting new advances I can implement for my clients. I look for the best solution for increasing productivity, minimize problems and protecting the client’s infrastructure. You will see me at eight or more continuing industry conferences each year.  I am constantly evaluating software, hardware, gadgets and security to help us help our clients.  Our end goal is creating business continuity not only for ourselves, but for our clients as well.  The more productive our clients are (by not having broken computers, viruses, etc.) the more successful we feel.

We also have some very unique products that when used together increase our productivity, security and cost efficiency because of the automation, scheduled tasks and security tools that are included.

The “secret ingredient” of the offering is our Remote Monitoring and Maintenance Program (RMM), which is not used by any other business in our immediate area.  While it is not the cheapest RMM tool out there, we have found that it is the most efficient because of automating patching, monitoring and an alert system that ties directly into our help desk ticketing system.  Therefore, if an alert is set off, a ticket will be automatically generated and we can start looking into the issue immediately.

Security is on everyone’s mind in today’s world.  Along with the hands down best RMM agent, we “season” our sauce with four security products.  First is the anti-virus, Webroot, which uses all of latest and greatest technology as well as has the smallest footprint and central processing unit (CPU) utilization of all major anti-virus products. There are 2 unique features in Webroot.  The first is that there are no definition to update locally, they are in the cloud and therefore always updated.  The second feature is the “rollback” feature that track file changes and allows for us to have the ability to take the system back to pre-infection state.

Luckily with the other security tools we rarely have infections anymore, a key differentiator in our company’s special sauce versus what everyone else has to offer.  The other security tool we bundle in is MDI Cloudcare. You can think of this as antivirus in the cloud.  We force all Domain Name System (DNS) traffic to a screened DNS server that prevents and warns our client to stop before accidently going to a website that is infected or deliberately trying to deliver malware to you or your unsuspecting employees.  This has been a huge advance in protecting the user from infections and even has provided ransomware protection.

Our sauce really catches flavor when we round out the security offering with 2 more tools.  We always install a business class Dell Sonicwall Firewall that combines intrusion prevention, gateway anti-virus, anti-spyware, content filtering that is constantly updated with definitions and protection updates to prevent problems.  The last piece is more of a performance protection but also provides a level of security protection also, which is the Malwarebytes Pro Software agent.  This runs twice a week to clean up spyware and tracking software used to track your shopping habits which typically slows down the PC and internet surfing.

Well that’s it. The secret sauce on how Micro Doctor prevents more service interruptions by making sure your company runs better, therefore your employees are not calling for help and losing productivity throughout their work day.  We take this so seriously that we are monitoring productivity for every client.  By tracking the hours spent per month per user, we can see where the trouble is coming from. Then we assign our top engineers to not only fix the issue on the surface, but also to look for the underlying or root cause. The bottom line is focus on driving the number of tickets per month down, so your employees are able to work without interruptions and you are not paying wages to employees that cannot do their job due to a computer issue.  In the end, our goal is saving your company time and money.

To find out how we can help your company become more efficient, more productive and more secure contact the experts at Micro Doctor for a free initial consultation. Call us at 330-898-2100 and ask to speak to our team for a free initial meeting or security assessment.

Written by Mark Richmond, President, Visionary and Chief Innovator at Micro Doctor Inc.

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