Why you need Managed Detection and Response


The days of free anti-virus are over.

managed security cleveland

You can’t go a day without some report of a newly discovered security vulnerability or a ransomware attack. We’ve all done it.

We search the web for free anti-virus and download and install some software, and then convince ourselves that we are protected. We then operate under the illusion that we are too small of a company for hackers to bother with. We aren’t the Capital Ones, or the Targets of the world, so hackers will look past us right? Wrong.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”left-to-right”]

43% of Cyber Attacks are aimed at Small and Medium Sized Businesses

The large enterprises aren’t the only ones being targeted. In fact your business is just as likely to be attacked as the Fortune 500 companies.  Recent studies reveal that small and midsize companies are on the radar of the groups behind the most recent cyber attacks. If you have data you care or your customers care about, consider yourself a potential target.


Anytime, Anywhere

A cyber attack or ransomware outbreak can happen anytime anywhere. The tools hackers have armed themselves with are frightening. You are no longer dealing with the high school kid, practicing their ability to create scripts. No, you are facing highly organized groups that operate like a business. They post ads, they have employees, and even payout bonuses. The next attack could happen to any business that uses the internet.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

The Managed Detection and Response Difference

MDR, or Managed Detection and Response is your weapon in the fight against ransomware. Definition based  or free anti-virus software can’t adequately protect you. You may have heard the phrase, “Know Your Enemy” This is the concept behind definition based anti-virus software. Researchers discover viruses then update their database so that if you download or try to install the software, the AV software will stop it.

The reason why this no longer works is that not all viruses need to be installed. Today’s brand of viruses and malicious software can run in memory only, can simply be scripts, or can detect or disable anti-virus software.

And what do you do if the virus is new? What happens if your anti-virus software isn’t aware of the latest threats? If your definitions are out of date, then you are unfortunately left unprotected.

Where Managed Detection and Response is different is that it operates in real time. MDR offers the widest array of end point protection including:

  • Executables
  • Memory Only
  • Malicious Documents (PDF’s or Word)
  • Browser Exploits
  • Scripts – Power Shell or Java Script
  • Credential Hijacking

In addition to the powerful end point agent, our Security Operations Center monitors 24x7x365. In the event an outbreak occurs you get peace of mind with the file roll back feature. You can quickly roll back infected files, without the need to restore from backup.

MDR is the next generation of anti-virus and security protection. You don’t have to be a large enterprise to take advantage of the best in breed data security.

Contact us today at 216-619-2000 option 3


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