Business Phone System

The 4 biggest mistakes when choosing a business phone system

Choosing a business phone system can be daunting, especially for non-technical people. Why? Because business phone systems are big ticket items that typically only need replacing or upgrading every ten to fifteen years. Oftentimes, the phone system outlasts the people who originally had it installed.

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Why HBPX is the Ideal Business Phone System for Startups

In the world of serial entrepreneurs, incubators, and venture capitalists everyone is looking for a competitive advantage to put their company on the “bleeding edge.” To achieve this, we propose that startups closely inspect an aspect of their company that is too often overlooked: the phone system. A hosted phone system, or hosted PBX (HPBX)

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Your Personal Automated Assisant, the IVR

If you’re confused about what an IVR is, you are probably more familiar with it than you realize. An interactive voice response, commonly abbreviated as IVR, allows your customers to communicate with your business using a telephone’s keypad. An automated attendant collects input, processes it, and can effectively route phone calls. You may have experinced an IVR when dialing

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4 Helpful Tips to Find the Best Business Phone Service in Cleveland

With so many different options for Northeast Ohio business phone services, choosing the right one can be confusing. Below are different components of a business phone service system that you should know. Between PBX and SIP Trunks, from Virtual PRI to Disaster Recovery, this post will give you some clarity on what these terms mean

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What Every MSP Should Know About Voice and Data Providers

Offering the Right Service Options All Comes Down to the Provider In the old days, the phone company handled voice and the ISP handled data. Nowadays with the proliferation of Voice over IP, traditional PBX systems are becoming obsolete. The internet is also being used for a lot more than just surfing the web. With

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The Telecom Vultures and What Every MSP Should Guard Against

 Not too long ago, the telecom world was divided up nicely. Everyone had their place and played their role. The phone system manufacturer made premise-based hardware business phone systems. Carriers ran lines into those systems and billed the customer directly. ISP’s handled internet access, and Managed Service Providers handled the LAN. Even the copier folks

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Why All The Buzz About SD-WAN?

SD-Wan (software-defined wide area network), is a relatively new WAN technology. Until now, businesses have relied on private WAN architectures like MPLS to support their remote sites. The idea being that their remote users should have the same application experience as those directly connected to the corporate LAN. Until now, companies would have to run

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